Soft Matter Physics
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01. Fundamentals I
Interdisciplinary field of research [pln1]
- traditional academic disciplines
- modern specializations and combinations
- characteristics of soft matter
- major topics
- theoretical methodologies
- experimental techniques
Intermolecular forces [pln18]
- van der Waals bond
- ionic bond
- metallic bond
- covalent bond
- hydrogen bond
Hydrophobicity [pln19]
- polar and non-polar molecules
- hydrophobic, hydrophilic, amphiphilic
- enthalpic and entropic effects
- elastic constants: shear modulus, bulk
modulus, Young modulus [pln20]
- elastic energy of deformation [pln63]
- elasticity of hard and soft matter
- linear (elastic or viscous) response to shear stress [pln21]
- nonlinear viscous behavior (shear thinning/thickening,
Bingham fluid) [pln22]
- dimensionless parameters: Deborah, Weissenberg, Peclet
numbers [pln91] *
- probing viscoelasticity: stress relaxation, creep,
rotation, oscillation
- simple model of viscoelasticity [pln23]
- measuring viscosity and shear modulus [pex16]
- Young modulus for generalized Lennard-Jones potential
[pex15] *
- Arrhenius behavior of viscosity of water [pex17] *
Ordering in soft matter [pln25]
- thermotropic versus lyotropic
- hierarchical (molecules versus molecular aggregates) [tsl50]
- orientational versus translational [tsl51]
- entropy driven
- polydispersity
- polymorphism
Glass transition [pln24]
- characteristic attributes
- glass-forming systems
- relaxation time and viscosity (Vogel-Fulcher law)
- volume and entropy versus temperature
- glass transition in polystyrene [pex18]
- entropy from heat capacity of glass [pex19] *
02. Fundamental II
Phase separation
- Helmholtz and Gibbs free energies of solutions [pln26] *
- homogeneous state vs phase-separated state [pln27]
- osmotic pressure [pln28]
- chemical potential [pln29] *
- dilute solutions [pln30]
- two-phase coexistence [pln31]
- lattice mean-field model free-energy density [pln32]
- phase diagram of mixing-unmixing transition [psl4]
- stability - metastability - instability [pln33]
- osmotic pressure in two-component fluid system [pex48]
- chemical potential in two-component system [pex46]
- phase diagram of two-component fluid [pex47]
- water solubility of hydrocarbon [pex45]
- osmotic weight lifting [pex49]
- spinodal decomposition process [pln34]
- kinetics of spinodal decomposition [psl5]
- solution of linearized Cahn-Hilliard equation [pex20]
- nucleation and growth of domains [pln35]
- Gibbs free energy near freezing/melting [pln36]
- homogeneous vs heterogeneous nucleation [pln37]
- catalytic freezing of spherical cap [pex21]
- advancing font of solidification [pln38]
03. Colloids I
What are colloids? [pln3] *
- classification
- shapes and sizes
- sols, gels, clays, foams
- emulsions
- stability
- interactions
- agents of aggregation and dispersion
Brownian motion (for more extensive materials see
Sec. 8 of PHY626 )
- historical importance, milestones [nln63]
- relevant time scales (collision, relaxation, observation)
- Einstein's theory [nln65]
- Smoluchowski equation [nln66]
- Einstein's fluctuation-dissipation relation [nln67]
- Langevin's theory (ballistic regime and diffusive regime)
- particles with shapes [pln40]
Colloids versus grains
- colloidal regime on Earth and in space [pex22]
Interaction forces
- adhesive forces derived from van der Waals interactions [pln42]
- adhesive force between flat colloidal surfaces [pex23]
- adhesive force between spherical colloids (Derjaguin
approximation) [pex24]
- electrostatic double-layer forces adjacent to ionized
colloidal surface
- Stern-layer of counter-ions
- diffuse layers of co-ions and counter ions [pex25]
Electro-kinetic effects
- electrophoresis
- streaming current
- electro-osmosis
- zeta potential [psl8]
Charge stabilization
- repulsion between ionic double layers versus VDW
attraction [pln43]
- colloidal stability, flocculation, and coagulation
Steric stabilization [pln44]
- grafted polymer chains
- osmotic pressure [tln26]
- entropic pressure
- brush elasticity
- bridging flocculation
- regulation of flocculation/coagulation
Colloids with attractive coupling
- depletion interaction
- depletion interaction potential between spherical
colloids [pex27]
- ordering from weak short-range attraction
- ordering from strong short-range attraction
- crystallization of hard-sphere colloids
- spherical aggregates of colloids [pex50]
Flow in dispersions at low and high concentrations
04. Polymers I
- variety -- structure -- architecture -- conformations [pln45] *
- polydispersity index
- biopolymers [pln41]
- rheology of viscoelastic polymers [psl7]
- extensional rheometry of polymers
- effectiveness of centrifugation [pln46]
- polymer solutions [pln47]
- polymer blends [pln48]
- phase separation in polymer solution [pex51] *
- phase separation in polymer blend [pex52]
- interface width in phase-separated polymer blend [pex58]
05. Polymers II
Single polymer in solution [pln49]
- sources of entropy
- sources of enthalpy
- conformations: coil, globule, helix
- measures of polymer size
Freely jointed chain (FJC) [pln50]
- random walk
- force-extension characteristics
- FJC model: force-extension characteristics, entropy,
and heat capacity [pex53]
- discretized FJC model: force-extension characteristics
- discretized FJC model: entropy and heat capacity [pex55]
- binomial, Poisson, and Gaussian distributions [nln8]
Persistence length and Kuhn segment length [pln51]
- persistence length of ideal polymer chain [pex28]
- Kuhn segment length of ideal polymer chain [pex29]
- ideal polymer with fixed valence angle I: mean-square
end-to-end distance [pex30]
- ideal polymer chain with fixed valence angle II:
persistence length and Kuhn segment length [pex31]
- ideal polymer chain: flexibility from rigid
constraints [pex32]
- polymer chain with energetically favored internal
rotation angle [pex33] [pex34]
Long-range self-interaction and interaction with solvent
- Flory argument
- good, poor, and theta solvents
- concentration regimes (dilute, semi-dilute, melt)
- criteria for polymer detection
06. Polymers III
Polymer viscoelasticity
- creep compliance and stress relaxation [pln52]
- linear response and superposition principle
- zero shear viscosity
- polymer creep compliance: linear response [pex35]
- polymer stress relaxation: linear response [pex36]
- relaxation modulus of polymer melt [pln53]
- time regimes: glassy - rubbery - viscous
- characteristic dependences on degree of polymerization [psl9]
Polymer crystallinity
- semi-crystalline state [pln54]
- hierarchical structure (chain-folding, lamellae,
spherulites) [psl10]
- lateral versus linear lamellar growth [pln55]
- criteria for lateral growth (minimum stem length,
temperature window)
- velocity of lateral growth
- conditions for fastest lateral growth [pex37] *
Gelation [pln56] *
07. Liquid crystals I
Introduction [pln79]
- common liquid crystal phases [tsl51]
- birefringence of nematic phase [pln73]
- nematic ordering detected via polarized optical
microscopy [pex2]
- anisotropic flow behavior of nematics [pln83]
Phase transition between isotropic liquid and nematic
liquid-crystal phase
- Maier-Saupe theory for nematic ordering [pln74]
- orientation function
- agents of nematic ordering
- nematic order parameter
- enthalpy and entropy associated with orientational
- nematic order parameter [pln80]
- attributes of nematic order parameter [pex1]
- Maier-Saupe theory I: variational problem [pex43]
- Maier-Saupe theory II: free energy, entropy, order
parameter [pex44]
- Maier-Saupe theory III: first-order phase transition
- lyotropic transition to nematic phase (Onsager theory
simplified) [pln75]
- multicritical NAC point [pln81]
- stages of positional ordering [pln82]
Distorted nematic ordering
- boundary effects: splay, twist, bend [psl16]
- topological defects: disclinations [psl17]
Response to electric or magnetic field
- anisotropic dielectric response [pln76]
- Fréedericksz transition in LCD [pln77]
08. Amphiphiles I
Introduction [pln57]
- hydrophilic and hydrophobic ends
- headgroups: polar, anionic, cationic, zwitterionic
- hierarchical structures and phases [tsl50]
- configurational entropy of water (dynamic network of
- hydrophobic interaction between polar and non-polar
- amphiphilic reduction of surface tension
- lipids [pln59]
- detergency [psl13]
- surface tension and interfacial tension [pln60]
- critical aggregation concentration
- aggregation of amphiphiles [psl14]
- packing parameters (geometric argument)
- normal versus inverse structures
- self-assembly as predicted by geometric
argument) [pex39]
- critical micelle concentration (CMC)
- spherical micelles and CMC [pex40]
- cylindrical micelles and CMC [pex41]
- critical aggregation of bilayers [pex42]
- spherical aggregates of colloids [pex50]
- stability of shapes against thermal
- hierarchical ordering at high concentrations
- self-assembly in polymers [pln58]
- lamellar spacing in micro-phase-separated
diblock polymer melt [pex59]
09. Ionic soft matter I
Introduction [pln61]
- examples: colloids, polymers, surfactants
- dissociation equilibrium: pK, pH
- control parameters: pH, salinity, electric field,...
- interaction between dissociated groups: Bjeruum length.
Ionic gels
- charge neutrality condition
- Donnan equilibrium: effect of salinity [pln62]
- Donnan equilibrium between ionic polymer and solvent
- poly-electrolyte gel [pln66]
- charge density profile near interface [pln67]
- polyelectrolyte gel: double layer of charges at
interface [pex57]
- poly-electrolyte gel: profiles of ion densities [pex10]
- Poisson-Boltzmann equation for profile of electric
potential [pln68]
- electric potential near thin layer of bound charge
- electric potential near interface to poly-electrolyte
gel [pex8] [pex7]
- Solution of Poisson-Boltzmann equation via Fourier
Transform [pln69]
- Layer of bound charge of exponential profile and
variable thickness [pex6]
- ion densities near charged surface [pln70]
- electric force between parallel plates [pln71] [pln72]
- electric potential between charged plates immersed in
electrolyte [pex4]
- electric force between charged plates immersed in
electrolyte [pex3]
10. Microfluidics I
Introduction [pln84] *
Fundamental equations of microfluidics
- mass flux [pln85] *
- momentum flux [pln86]
- energy flux [pln87] *
- divergence of stress tensor [pex61] *
- scaled Navier-Stokes equation and the
Reynolds number [pex62] *
- viscous friction under simplified
conditions [pex63] *
Elementary fluid flow
- Mechanical equilibrium [pln90]
- Flow down incline [pln??]
11. Biological soft matter I: proteins and peptides
Coil-helix transformation
- Zimm-Bragg model (coil pseudo-vacuum)
- Zimm-Bragg inside out (helix pseudo-vacuum)
- Zimm-Bragg generalized (coil segments with entropy)
- scenario with real transition
12. Biological soft matter II: DNA
A. Glossary of soft-matter physics terms [pln2] *
B. Tables, maps, and images
Some physical constants [tsl47]
Some conversion factors [psl6] *
C. Statistically interacting particles with shapes
Combinatorial analysis
- fermions [pln4] *
- bosons [pln5] *
- cargo, economy, business, first [pln6]
- semions (fractional statistics) [pln7]
- particles in orbitals of different energies [pln8] *
- distinguishable particles in shared orbitals (compacts) [pln9] *
- hosts and caps [pln10] *
- hosts, hybrids, and caps [pln11]
- hosts and tags [pln12] *
- hosts, hybrids, and tags [pln13]
- statistically interacting particles (generic case) [pln14] *
Statistical mechanical analysis
- configurational entropy [pln15]
- partition function [pln16] (2) *
- population density of single species [pln17]
- jammed granular matter
- DNA under tension and torque
- polymer mushrooms and brushes
- liquid crystal columnar phase
- protein coil and helix conformations
- colloidal density profile due to gravity or centrifuge
- colloidal depletion interaction
Some relevant textbooks and
- R. A. L. Jones: Soft condensed matter.
Oxford University Press 2002.
- I. W. Hamley: Introduction to soft matter.
Wiley, New York 2007.
- M. Daoud and C. E. Williams
(Eds.): Soft matter physics. Springer,
New York 1999.
- W. Hu and A.-C. Shi (Eds.): Understanding
soft condensed matter via modeling and computation.
World Scientific, Singapore 2011.
- A. V. Finkelstein and O.
P. Ptitsyn: Protein physics.
Academic Press, New York 2002.
- M. Doi: Soft matter
physics. Oxford University Press
- T. A. Witten: Structured
fluids -- polymers, colloids, surfactants.
Oxford University Press 2004.
- P.
Nelson: Biological physics. Freeman, New York
- A. Y. Grosberg and A. R. Khokhlov:
Statistical physics
of macromolecules. AIP Press, New York
- Henrik Bruus: Theoretical
microfluidics. Oxford University Press 2008.
- L.S. Hirst: Fundamentals of
soft matter science. CRC Press, London
- J. V. Selinger: Introduction
to the theory of soft matter.
Springer, New York 2016.
- M. Kleman and O. D. Lavrentovich:
Soft matter physics. Springer, New
York 2003.
- I. Teraoka: Polymer solutions
-- an introduction to physical properties.
Wiley Interscience, New York 2002.
- Jan Kierfeld: Theorie weicher
und biologischer Materie. Lecture
notes, Technische Universität Dortmund 2009.
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Last updated 05/14/19