Minutes (by Jane) of undisclosed meeting.

Present: Jane

  1. Gig? Westerly Friends are throwing a send-off/C.O. celebration party this Sunday at noon, 2-27 , after Meeting, for Mike Izbicki. Some of the St. Francis House people are coming, and maybe some VPTers. The judge told the Navy to let him go last week! He's very excited and walking around like Sisyphus after he dropped the ball -- hmmmm, why didn't he just drop the stupid ball??? So anyway, I tried to write a little Row-Row (the Navy, right?) song for him, and if anyone wants to come, we could all sing it and maybe our "must-be-55" song, etc? Let me know.
  2. Our Monthly Rehearsal is on March 5 , 10am, usually preceded by a vigil/rage against war in downtown Westerly 9-10. After Granny practice, we'll want to leave by 11:30 for a potluck lunch at the Peace Farm to welcome the new caretaker and her daughters, meet our new New Zealander leader if you haven't already, and sort of prance around and pretend it's almost spring. We can take two or three carpoolers.
  3. Don't forget the March 11-12 Women's Peace Retreat at the Farm! If you haven't signed up yet or need the info again, let me know.