Granny Jane McPhetres
Stonington, CT
Day Job:
Ex-English teacher, Failed Poet, one-time NEH grant
administrator, Library "Community Services
Manager" (10 years)
Activism and Concerns:
Grew up in Boulder, CO, and protested the Rocky Flats
plutonium trigger plant with Alan Ginsberg, and my
father, husband, and son. While teaching overseas during
the Viet Nam era, I was able to see "the war"
through non-American media and have been trying to
re-educate myself and others ever since. I retired in May 2008
and now have more time to give to Peace, Justice, and a future
for the World. Meanwhile, I help with the work of the
American Friends Service Committee in Southeastern New
England. My Jailbird celebration at Westerly Friends
Meetinghouse after being arrested at the White House in
2005 was the occasion for the founding of the Westerly
Granny Gaggle.
Why be a Granny:
Croneyism is where it's at, isn't it? And
Crones are empowered and empowering -- it feels wonderful
to share our outrage with each other and with any
listeners who are ready to hear. Every little connection
is a mending stitch in the torn and tattered fabric of a
worrisome world.