Fis- cal Dcliff talk as the globe warms,
Fis- cal Gcliff talk as they Ddil- ly dal- ly,
Fis- cal Acliff talk on the Gbube tube,
Fis- cal Dcliff talk is a Ascam.
There's the Dwild fires and the dust bowl,
And the Gheat waves and the Dhur- ri- canes,
And the pols seem but to Gdil- ly dal- ly,
And they Dall want A7just the Dsame.
Fis- cal Dcliff talk on the bube tube,
Fis- cal Gcliff talk but to Ddil- ly dal- ly,
Fis- cal Acliff talk, fis- cal Gcliff talk,
Fis- cal Dcliff talk is a Ascam.
There's the DBlue Dogs and the Red Dogs,
And the GDem talk and the DRe- pub talk,
And they all seem but to Gdil- ly dal- ly,
And they Dall want A7just the Dsame.
See the peo- ple on the bube tube
Car- ry wa- ter for the ru- ling class --,
Me- di- care cuts, Me- di- caid cuts,
Pay- offs for gi- gan- tic greed.
And there's home loans and there's stu- dent loans,
And the debt col- lec- tors a- gen- cies,
'Cuz the rich need their en- ti- tle- ments --.
Let the com- mon good be damned!
With aus- te- ri- ty and with deep cuts,
They shall tear up so- cial safe- ty nets --.
For all dra- ma 'bout pos- te- ri- ty,
Fis- cal cliff talk is a scam.
With their pipe- lines and their tar sands,
They will sell off the en- vi- ron- ment,
But they don't care 'bout pos- ter- i- ty --,
As they buy and sell the Earth.
Granny Paige and the Raging Grannies of Greater Westerly, Rhode Island