Drilling Off-Shore

Tune of Mademoiselle from Armentières (E/E)

Drill- ing off- shore to get more oil, gnar- ly goo,
Drill- ing off- shore to get more oil, gnar- ly goo,
Drill, ba- by drill to get more oil,
B P and Shell will get the spoil,
Ink- y stink- y gnar- ly goo.

Old Ron- ny Rea- gan had his flaws, gnar- ly goo,
Old Ron- ny Rea- gan had his flaws, gnar- ly goo,
Old Ron- ny Rea- gan, no Al Gore,
Still he banned drill- ing off the shore,
Ink- y stink- y gnar- ly goo.

U S of A, we need more oil, gnar- ly goo,
U S of A, we need more oil, gnar- ly goo,
U S of A, we need some more,
Lift up that ban to drill off shore,
Ink- y stink- y gnar- ly goo.

Litt- le George Bush, who had no clue, gnar- ly goo
Litt- le George Bush, who had no clue, gnar- ly goo
Litt- le George Bush, God help the boob,
He flushed that ban right down the tube,
Ink- y stink- y gnar- ly goo.

B' rack O- ba- ma's lost his way, gnar- ly goo,
B' rack O- ba- ma's lost his way, gnar- ly goo,
B' rack O- ba- ma's lost his way,
Now it's too late to save the day,
Ink- y stink- y gnar- ly goo.

Car- bon we belch, in heat we squelch, gnar- ly goo,
Car- bon we belch, in heat we squelch, gnar- ly goo,
Po- lar ice caps will sure- ly melt,
O- ceans will flood the coast- al belt,
Ink- y stink- y gnar- ly goo.

Granny Paige