This Old Gray Granny

Tune of This Old Gray Mare (C/G)

This old gray Granny ain't what she used to be,
Had a hysterectomy, needs a colonoscopy,
But she can't afford to pay for her care and so
I guess we'll have to shoot her now!
'Cause where is she supposed to go
When she does not have the dough?
She dare not get sick without health insurance so
I guess we'll have to shoot her now!

This old gray Granny splits all her pills in half.
The drug companies just laugh; Their profits are off the graph.
But granny can't afford to pay for her pills and so
I guess we'll have to shoot her now!
'Cause what is she supposed to do
When money for the rent is due?
She can't buy pills and groceries, too, and so
I guess we'll have to shoot her now!

This old gray Granny now needs a test or two.
Her boob has a lump, it's true. But what's she supposed to do?
She can't pay the bill so she'll just have to muddle through.
I guess we'll have to shoot her now!
Well, granny's old but she is wise.
She knows we have to organize.
Let's get out and work for health care for ev'ry one,
So we won't have to shoot her after all!

Granny Vicki Ryder